249 research outputs found

    From imprecise probability assessments to conditional probabilities with quasi additive classes of conditioning events

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    In this paper, starting from a generalized coherent (i.e. avoiding uniform loss) intervalvalued probability assessment on a finite family of conditional events, we construct conditional probabilities with quasi additive classes of conditioning events which are consistent with the given initial assessment. Quasi additivity assures coherence for the obtained conditional probabilities. In order to reach our goal we define a finite sequence of conditional probabilities by exploiting some theoretical results on g-coherence. In particular, we use solutions of a finite sequence of linear systems.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2012

    Probabilistic entailment in the setting of coherence: The role of quasi conjunction and inclusion relation

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    In this paper, by adopting a coherence-based probabilistic approach to default reasoning, we focus the study on the logical operation of quasi conjunction and the Goodman-Nguyen inclusion relation for conditional events. We recall that quasi conjunction is a basic notion for defining consistency of conditional knowledge bases. By deepening some results given in a previous paper we show that, given any finite family of conditional events F and any nonempty subset S of F, the family F p-entails the quasi conjunction C(S); then, given any conditional event E|H, we analyze the equivalence between p-entailment of E|H from F and p-entailment of E|H from C(S), where S is some nonempty subset of F. We also illustrate some alternative theorems related with p-consistency and p-entailment. Finally, we deepen the study of the connections between the notions of p-entailment and inclusion relation by introducing for a pair (F,E|H) the (possibly empty) class K of the subsets S of F such that C(S) implies E|H. We show that the class K satisfies many properties; in particular K is additive and has a greatest element which can be determined by applying a suitable algorithm

    Extropy: Complementary Dual of Entropy

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    This article provides a completion to theories of information based on entropy, resolving a longstanding question in its axiomatization as proposed by Shannon and pursued by Jaynes. We show that Shannon's entropy function has a complementary dual function which we call "extropy." The entropy and the extropy of a binary distribution are identical. However, the measure bifurcates into a pair of distinct measures for any quantity that is not merely an event indicator. As with entropy, the maximum extropy distribution is also the uniform distribution, and both measures are invariant with respect to permutations of their mass functions. However, they behave quite differently in their assessments of the refinement of a distribution, the axiom which concerned Shannon and Jaynes. Their duality is specified via the relationship among the entropies and extropies of course and fine partitions. We also analyze the extropy function for densities, showing that relative extropy constitutes a dual to the Kullback-Leibler divergence, widely recognized as the continuous entropy measure. These results are unified within the general structure of Bregman divergences. In this context they identify half the L2L_2 metric as the extropic dual to the entropic directed distance. We describe a statistical application to the scoring of sequential forecast distributions which provoked the discovery.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-STS430 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    La Ruota della Fortuna

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    Nell’anno scolastico 2013-2014 presso l’I. C. Boccadifalco Tomasi di Lampedusa di Palermo abbiamo realizzato un progetto PON finalizzato all’ampliamento della matematica per le classi seconde della scuola primaria. In una delle attività realizzate, che descriviamo in questo lavoro, ci siamo occupati del problema dell’elicitazione delle probabilità basata sul criterio della scommessa [1]. Nell’attività proposta si richiede la formulazione delle probabilità mediante dei gradi di fiducia su alcuni eventi relativi al gioco della ruota della fortuna. In particolare, si propone allo studente di formulare delle valutazioni di probabilità mediante delle scommesse nel ruolo di giocatore in un gioco inizialmente non equo. Dopo aver fatto un consistente numero di giri della ruota, si commentano eventuali risultati a favore del banco e si osserva che per rendere il gioco equo occorre modificare le quote di vincita in modo tale che esse coincidano con i reciproci delle probabilità. Per l’azione didattica proposta si può far ricorso a modalità di apprendimento cooperativo. Per non far apparire arida, astrusa ed inutile la matematica, si può far vedere che essa è lo strumento naturale per affrontare, analizzare e risolvere, problemi anche in situazioni di incertezza o conoscenza parziale

    Subjective probability, trivalent logics and compound conditionals

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    In this work we first illustrate the subjective theory of de Finetti. We recall the notion of coherence for both the betting scheme and the penalty criterion, by considering the unconditional and conditional cases. We show the equivalence of the two criteria by giving the geometrical interpretation of coherence. We also consider the notion of coherence based on proper scoring rules. We discuss conditional events in the trivalent logic of de Finetti and the numerical representation of truth-values. We check the validity of selected basic logical and probabilistic properties for some trivalent logics: Kleene-Lukasiewicz-Heyting-de Finetti; Lukasiewicz; Bochvar-Kleene; Sobocinski. We verify that none of these logics satisfies all the properties. Then, we consider our approach to conjunction and disjunction of conditional events in the setting of conditional random quantities. We verify that all the basic logical and probabilistic properties (included the Fr\'{e}chet-Hoeffding bounds) are preserved in our approach. We also recall the characterization of p-consistency and p-entailment by our notion of conjunction

    Quasi Conjunction, Quasi Disjunction, T-norms and T-conorms: Probabilistic Aspects

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    We make a probabilistic analysis related to some inference rules which play an important role in nonmonotonic reasoning. In a coherence-based setting, we study the extensions of a probability assessment defined on nn conditional events to their quasi conjunction, and by exploiting duality, to their quasi disjunction. The lower and upper bounds coincide with some well known t-norms and t-conorms: minimum, product, Lukasiewicz, and Hamacher t-norms and their dual t-conorms. On this basis we obtain Quasi And and Quasi Or rules. These are rules for which any finite family of conditional events p-entails the associated quasi conjunction and quasi disjunction. We examine some cases of logical dependencies, and we study the relations among coherence, inclusion for conditional events, and p-entailment. We also consider the Or rule, where quasi conjunction and quasi disjunction of premises coincide with the conclusion. We analyze further aspects of quasi conjunction and quasi disjunction, by computing probabilistic bounds on premises from bounds on conclusions. Finally, we consider biconditional events, and we introduce the notion of an nn-conditional event. Then we give a probabilistic interpretation for a generalized Loop rule. In an appendix we provide explicit expressions for the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm in the unitary hypercube

    INTELLI 2013, The Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications

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    The research of optimization techniques in the system of goods distribution from warehouses to final users (vehicle routing problem), made considerable savings on the total cost of transport and, consequently, on the final cost of goods, and produced the models applicable to other operating environments (e.g., transport for disabled people, school, municipal waste collection). The analysis conducted on the different models developed under the VRP highlights the support that these models can give on the infomobility of goods

    Connexive Logic, Probabilistic Default Reasoning, and Compound Conditionals

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    We present two approaches to investigate the validity of connexive principles and related formulas and properties within coherence-based probability logic. Connexive logic emerged from the intuition that conditionals of the form if not-A, then A, should not hold, since the conditional’s antecedent not-A contradicts its consequent A. Our approaches cover this intuition by observing that the only coherent probability assessment on the conditional event A | not-A is p(A | not-A) = 0. In the first approach we investigate connexive principles within coherence-based probabilistic default reasoning, by interpreting defaults and negated defaults in terms of suitable probabilistic constraints on conditional events. In the second approach we study connexivity within the coherence framework of compound conditionals, by interpreting connexive principles in terms of suitable conditional random quantities. After developing notions of validity in each approach, we analyze the following connexive principles: Aristotle’s theses, Aristotle’s Second Thesis, Abelard’s First Principle, and Boethius’ theses. We also deepen and generalize some principles and investigate further properties related to connexive logic (like non-symmetry). Both approaches satisfy minimal requirements for a connexive logic. Finally, we compare both approaches conceptually
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